Long-time grassroots activists
We are not a big business and don't have staff - so please be patient with us. We are just a small family who believes this plant can change the world, and the lives of millions of Australians.
We are not running this site to make a profit, but simply hoping to pay for our own time and investment. If you like what we do, and want to support us, any feedback or donations are truly appreciated!
Why it's important
People are the most important aspect of any successful industry, and we aim to connect you to the companies and information you need to ensure that you, and our industry, succeed. We created Cannabis Jobs Australia to help people find their way in this brand-new industry; by connecting jobs seekers with job offers.
What's the story?
With the massive legalisation trend around the world, we are looking at an imminent global cannabis revolution - and Australia is poised to become a major contender in this new market. We believe that people are the foundation of any successful industry, so we are connecting them to jobs, events, training, and resources.
Up to 50,000 jobs for Australia within 10 years.
The United States already has over 150,000 jobs in the legal cannabis Industry, and experts are predicting cannabis to be twice the size of our wine industry. It's easy to see the massive wave of jobs coming!
Once upon a time, weed was a no-no. Now it's your next 9-to-5!
Looking for a “Top-shelf” career in the booming cannabis industry? Whether you have been part of the marijuana legalization movement for years or just a few minutes, NOW is the time to get in on the green rush sweeping the world.
"The economy doesn't spawn an entirely new industry very often, and legal pot may well be the best ground-floor opportunity we've seen since the early days of the Internet" - Forbes
The fastest growing industry in the world.
Australia is set to legalise cannabis over the next few years, and almost all of the businesses involved will need to hire employees. Expected to grow by more than $10 billion in 2018, cannabis is already creating jobs faster than the construction industry.
New jobs last year in Colorado alone
Dollars in sales in Colorado alone
New jobs by 2020 in California alone
Get in front of cannabis employers.
Cannabis Jobs Australia make it easy to connect with cannabis employers, and give you the best chance at your dream job.
There will be a LOT of people who want to work in the budding cannabis and hemp industry, but they will have to stand out and know where to look - this is where we can help!
Completely FREE for job seekers.
We are long-time activists who believe that this plant can change the world and the lives of millions of Australians. People are the most important aspect of any successful industry, and we aim to connect you to the companies and information you need to ensure that you, and our industry, succeed.
List your resume so employers can find you.
We have created an online, and anonymous resume listing service where you can post your profile. The listing will only be visible to approved employers on our job board, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Be seen by the right people!
We make it easy to connect with passionate and like-minded employees to help find the best person for the job. There are a lot of people who want to work in the budding cannabis and hemp industry, but you have to know where to find them! Our candidates believe in the future of the industry - just like you!
Browse our database of cannabis job seekers.
This is a game changer for recruitment - Why wait for candidates to see your job listing, when you can contact them now. We have created an online cannabis resume listing service where proactive cannabis job seekers are waiting to hear from you. Browse our database for FREE and see if there are any which might suit your business.
List for FREE, or pay for advert upgrades.
It's unheard of, even in the newspaper, to list a job for free! Even if you post your job elsewhere, listing for free with Cannabis Jobs is a no-brainer. We also have super competitive pricing for extra features, and special deals for founding members - so get on board now!
No commision. No worries.
We connect you directly to the candidate, without playing middleman or charging large fees. Searching for employees can be a time-consuming and difficult process - especially with the stigma around cannabis - but at least it won't be expensive!
Find candidates who love the industry.
The cannabis community has a passionate and dedicated base, which you simply cannot find on SEEK. It can take a lot of training and time to get this same depth of knowledge and respect for the plant. Many of our candidates dream of working with weed, and are desperate to have a chance to get a foot into the industry - so don't be stuck with the wrong people!
Highering employees.
In the constantly changing cannabis industry, hiring solutions come in all sizes. Does your trim team need short-term help during harvest? Are you a start-up which needs flexible and experienced workers? Is your dispensary short-staffed, yet not ready to hire a full-time employee? Whatever your hiring needs are, Cannabis Jobs Australia are here to help!
We help our job seekers be the best.
We are currently building cannabis certification courses for our job seekers to be better cannabis employees. We have learned a lot from the industry in North America and will be passing on this valuable information to our community. These courses will also be available for your current and future employees.
Join Cannabis Jobs Australia.

We are the #1 Australian job site dedicated entirely to hemp and cannabis and we'll help you to connect to jobs, events, training, and resources. The black market is coming out of the shadows, and all those jobs are up for grabs! Get started today.
Malcolm, let us have our jobs - The industry is ready!
The only thing that stands between us and a huge wave of jobs, business, and investment is the law - which could change very quickly. It's not every day a whole industry is born, practically overnight. we are looking at an imminent global cannabis revolution - and Australia is poised to become a major contender in this new market.